Learning is an important part in the growth of any organization to sustain in the industry. Building a culture that encourages and empowers acts like a lifeline to adapt to an ever-changing business environment. While most of the teaching material available today in the form of videos, textbooks etc focus on knowledge, they do not impart the practical skills that one acquires by observation or real presence in a work environment.
Through adaptive learning, an organization can build a learning culture for remote employees. These employees can be given a set of problems to solve online and make observations on qualitative and quantitative financial parameters like rating, growth, financial stress etc. With the flexibility to take the test multiple times, employees are motivated to acquire relevant skills and achieve skilling to progress in their profile. Instructors can review, curate, and assign multiple projects for employees to solve and enhance skills. This solution is approved by Ministry of Education under NEAT program and was implemented with learners at Indian School of Business.
Moreover, when employees are rewarded for enhancing their skills with better roles or pay – there is always incentive for these remote employees to keep signing up for more workshops, courses and adaptive learning. The process is similar to skilling outcomes of financial apprenticeship roles – with strong learner engagement and feedback. To build a future-ready remote workforce one needs to go an extra mile to ensure learning in the virtual environment.